
I took a loooong weekend; four days, as a matter of fact.  The below is Cathedral Hills County Park and as you can see, it is springtime!  Such a wonderful place to hike….  image

I did a lot of hiking, a lot of sitting around.  It was lovely.  I had to go back to work, where I did fine until Jason harshed my mellow.  I’m working on thinking of him as a petulant toddler who is unable to control himself.  Unfortunately, the self-control used to not lose it with him means I did mildly lose it with the church wench.  There’s got to be a way out of here…

A trillium, in honor of my friend Jim.  May they serve you the finest mushrooms and roast beef with horseradish in Heaven!image

Also, I am an auntie!  A flesh and blood auntie, in addition to an auntie of the heart.  It’s very strange, really, if I think about it.  I mean, obviously I’ve had nine months to come to terms, but, really, my baby brother is a father.  Perhaps another long weekend is required.